The publication of our first EaaSI Case Study reminded me of a persistent issue with one of our Mac OS environments that I haven’t been able to figure out, figured I would post here in case any more experienced Mac tinkerers have an inkling:
Whenever I boot up our Mac OS/System Software 7.01 environment (running in Basilisk), we get an error message:
A driver for the selected AppleTalk connection could not be found. The built-in LocalTalk port will be used instead.
The message will not go away no matter what settings are selected in the Chooser (putting AppleTalk on “inactive”). File Sharing is off. Any idea how to de-select/disable AppleTalk in OS 7.x or otherwise remove this error message??? It’s not a huge hindrance but annoying.
I assume this is a problem in Basilisk that can be replicated when running the emulator locally? Though I don’t have any memory of this myself…
My one piece of useful information around AppleTalk connections and System 7 is that the clients are backwards compatible but the servers tend not to be; when I transfer files between my old Plus running System 6/7 and an iMac G3 running macOS 9.x, I believe I needed to run the server on the former and the client on the latter to avoid it crashing. I doubt that’s applicable here, but at least now it’s out of my brain.
Actually, on reviving that memory – I’m curious about the decision to offer a System 7.0.1 environment, if it’s for software compatibility reasons rather than simply for historical curiosity about the OS itself – I don’t think I’ve tended to use that one much in my own work as I don’t think it offers any advantages over 7.1 - 7.6.1, and it’s possible that error is always present in emulation of 7.0.1.
Thanks @ffmpreg !! That is helpful info about AppleTalk in general that I can certainly see coming up when we get into emulated networks…good to know
We don’t generally need 7.01 compatibility-wise - I have a 7.5 environment as well that usually does the trick,a s you say (There was a reason for 7.01 in that Case Study we published with the simulation from Stanford, which I’m forgetting. It may have had to do with the ROMs available and matched to the environments, rather than the system software itself). So it’s mostly for the historical curiosity and trying to smooth the experience for anyone who comes across this one for whatever reason down the line.
I had not tried it with Basilisk locally yet. That’s a good question whether it is just inherent to 7.01 emulation with Basilisk, or 7.01 emulation more generally. I hadn’t seen any such comments in searching that error message in the usual emulation forums (Emaculation, Macintosh Garden, Mac Repository, etc), so I guess that would surprise me if it were the case. I’ll see if I can retrieve and play with the image locally!
@ffmpreg you’re 100% right, same error occurs locally in Basilisk with the same disk, and with a completely new install from a different installation set. And it does not appear in Mini vMac with a Mac Plus ROM.
so, something inherent to Basilisk emulation of 7.01 then. weird!