CD ROMs with both audio and data volumes

Hello Everyone,

i am hoping someone might have some insight into a particular problem —getting CD ROMS with both audio and data components to run properly.

Two that i think should be at the top of the list have particular cultural and historical importance.

Voyager’s CD Companion to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was not only the first commercially available cd-rom but also cited in Edward Tufte’s influential Envisioning Information for the design of its novel user interface.

Descriptive video](CD Companion to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony by Robert Winter on Vimeo)
ISO available on request*

Pedro Meyer’s I Photograph to Remember debuted at a major computer conference in LA in 1991. The audience of 500 sat absolutely silent for 30 minutes as it was the very first time people encountered emotional content displayed on a computer screen.

Descriptive video: I Photograph to Remember on Vimeo
Link to ISO: Dropbox - I Photograph to Remember.iso - Simplify your life

in case you need some extra motivation, here’s a link to short videos showing [three other pathbreaking efforts running in the EAASI EMULATOR: Dropbox Paper

happy to discuss any of this with anyone who thinks they can help

bob stein