What software would you like to see added to EaaSI?
I’m going to pin this question to the top of this section - we’ll always be open to requests
I’d like to see working versions of AutoCAD. I’ve been trying to get them to work on my local laptop instance and so far only managed to get the DOS 6.22 version (release 11) and AutoCAD 2000 to work in Windows 2000. I had to hunt around the web for the correct serial and product key to get it to work.
I also think it would be fun to have a games section - just to blow off some steam and take a mind break from all the actual work we are doing. Even if it is open source games or something.
thanks @tim.mifsud! I’ll double-check that we have all our available AutoCAD titles up for the EaaSI Network, including hosted service nodes when they’re up (imminently!) The two versions you mention sound familiar though, and I also recall from past requests that we don’t yet have all that many copies in Yale’s holdings, so there may be overlap. At the very least I think we can add an XP-era version. This is a popular request and definitely an area we’d like to expand the EaaSI pool…
also, in general I can indeed recommend that many open source distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat/Fedora, Mandrake/Mandriva Linux) often come chock full of games in standard installs
I’m hoping for some Aldus FreeHand 4.0 and 5.0; Photoshop 5.0; QuarkXPress 3; PageMaker 4.0 and 5.0.
Is there a Mac environment in EaaSI that has Word 3 or Word 4?
Hi @dianne.dietrich! As far as I’m aware, the earliest Mac version of Word with a configured environment available in the EaaSI Network is the “Mac OS 7.5 + Acrobat 3.0 + QuickTime 3.0 + MS Office 4.2.1” option (which should be visible/available in the hosted service) - but unfortunately MS Office 4.2.1 for Macintosh actually contains Word 6.0.1.
I’ll double-check with @claireafox to see if Yale has any other potentially relevant options, and we can put out an APB to other @eaasi_network orgs that you’re looking!
Hi Dianne,
I have a budget for purchasing old software also. If you can find a copy on e.g. ebay I could purchase it and get it added to EaaSI.
e.g. this look useful?
Well I bought it. We have a budget at Yale to buy legacy software as needed, it’s not part of the EaaSI budget. One of us may talk about it at one of the upcoming node calls. We’ll update once the software is available in the network.
Hello, I was wondering if someone could add Aldus Pagemaker 4.0 (or higher) to a Mac OS 7 or 8 VM – I have a historical ISO that only likes opening in those Mac systems, and carries Pagemaker files, but the only Pagemaker installations available are on Mac OS 9 and Windows. Thanks!