Announcing the 2024 EaaSI Product Roadmap

Greetings, @eaasi_network, @AusEaaSI, and @hosted_service!

The EaaSI team is excited to debut the 2024 EaaSI Product Roadmap, which is available at the pinned post here: EaaSI Product Roadmap

The annual EaaSI Product Roadmap is a high-level summary of both development and maintenance work that has been prioritized for the current calendar year. Work is identified and prioritized for the roadmap according to stakeholder needs. The roadmap is updated quarterly and is intended for a broad audience.

The 2024 EaaSI Product Roadmap prioritizes features that are widely needed to support a “virtual reading room” use case for archives and special collections. It also includes crucial maintenance that will bolster EaaSI’s durability and the extensibility of the platform to support additional use cases.

We look forward to engaging in conversation with you all and sharing more information over the coming months about both software development and plans to sustain a thriving EaaSI community into the future.

Please feel very welcome to share questions and feedback with the team anytime at eaasi [at] yale [dot] edu.

With gratitude to the team and this inspiring community,