Greetings everyone! I hope you all have had a relaxing summer.
The EaaSI team is excited that Phase 3 (July 2022 - June 2024) of our grant funding is under way, and we look forward to sharing more details about service planning and the future with you as they emerge this fall. In the meantime, we’re seeking some feedback! For the next two years, we have considerable flexibility (in terms of specific activities or deliverables promised) but relatively limited capacity for structured community engagement compared to the past few years.
So I’ve designed a brief survey to hear from you directly about the most valuable community resources and activities we should pursue in Phase 3. The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete (unless you have a LOT of thoughts to share )
While we particularly want to hear from @eaasi_network members and @hosted_service users (@AusEaaSI folks too!), ANY EaaSI users or even interested onlookers are welcome to fill this out. We’ve created a number of resources under the EaaSI umbrella that we hope are of use to the entire/wider software and digital preservation field; please feel free to share and submit, no matter where you’re reading this!
EaaSI Community Phase 3 Survey
*The survey above was constructed using Yale University’s access to Qualtrics XM. I have to the best of my ability limited/anonymized all data collection options available to me beyond the survey questions themselves