Error importing .raw file of MacOS9 to generic Sheepshaver environment

Hi @Cynde_Moya!

I mentioned this briefly in the Office Hours call yesterday, but making a note here - I think this might be the Bookmark/user management bug that is known in the EaaSI UI, where the front-end service appears to randomly (can’t replicate exactly why or when it happens) loses the ID of the user currently logged in and throws an error, no matter which action you’re trying to complete.

Signs of this bug are the TypeError: 'e' is undefined error message and/or WHERE parameter "userID has invalid "undefined value" in the stack trace

Current work-around is just to try logging out, logging back in again, and immediately re-try the same action. This would go for Error importing 4 install disks for DOS 6.22 as well.

However, even once that is resolved, I suspect import of a MacOS image for use with Sheepshaver would fail here. The EaaSI UI (and the back-end version of EaaS that it’s based on) is very QEMU-focused and the management of ROM files necessary for Basilisk and Sheepshaver environments is not yet transparent in the UI. When Basilisk/Sheepshaver environments are replicated from another node, ROM import is handled on the back-end; if starting from scratch, an appropriate ROM file first has to be available in your EaaS home directory: see Special Consideration for Mac/Apple Environments — EaaSI documentation

(That page was written with the legacy/EaaS interface in mind, but should still be appropriate with the EaaSI UI as well…