Windows 98 SE environment does not save

Deployment: Are you using the hosted EaaSI service, or a local node?

Local Node

EaaSI Version: This corresponds to the release branch/installer version used to deploy your instance. This information should be available in the Manage Node menu, if accessible


Browser: The name and version of the browser you are using to access the EaaSI UI, if applicable

Firefox 83.0 (64 bit)

Description: Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible, including name + ID of any relevant environments, software or content. You can also attach screenshots or relevant error report files.

Started install of W98SE using floppy disk. fdisk and format c: works. At this point, I try to save the environment, but it does not save, does not show up in the resources tab.

Are you able to reproduce the issue or did it happen once? What steps can you take to repeat the issue? What did you expect to occur and what was the actual outcome?

This happens both with QEMU x86 and Generic 90s PC environment

Urgency: If possible, please give an indication of how urgently the issue needs to be addressed - is there a timeline or deadline (e.g. upcoming demo, researcher request, etc.) that EaaSI support staff should be aware of?