Emulation error with local EaaSI install

Deployment: I am self-hosing the local install version of EaaSI (with the demo UI) on a Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64
machine, installed using the following instructions: README-local-mode.md · master · Emulation-as-a-Service / eaas-installer · GitLab

EaaSI Version:
Build: v2021.10-397-gcf2ad4f
UI-Build: FDA6B70CCC

Browser: Firefox

Whenever I attempt to start an emulation, I get the following error:

Emulation Error

  "error": "Starting environment session failed!",
  "cause": {
    "error": "Starting server-side component failed!",
    "cause": {
      "error": "'POST http://localhost/emil/components' failed with 500!",
      "cause": "{\"error\":\"INTERNAL-SERVER-ERROR: Initializing runtime configuration failed! Handled Internally (BUILD: v2021.10-397-gcf2ad4f, ID: FF4AA68C-6576-4D92-ABC2-DF8E62AAFEAD)\"}"

This happens both with Qemu and BasiliskII environments.

What could be the cause, and can it be fixed?

Thank you!

Upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 solved the issue.

In order to do the local install I also had to change the line

until: response.status != 404


until: response.status == 200

in the ./deployment.yaml file (the page returned 405, not 404)

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