I tried to load two cds as ISOs and then attach them to a base environment and create a new base environment - the new environment doesn’t seem to allow me to “change media” so there’s no way for users to “get at” the second CD
@nkmeyers were the two ISOs imported to EaaSI at the same time, as part of the same Content or Software resource? or are they in the system as two separate resources? If the latter, this would be expected behavior - you can currently only mount one active Content or Software resource at a time into an environment.
If they were imported as two ISO files associated with the same Content or Software resource, then yes, the “Change Resource Media” menu should be active and allow you to swap between discs, and we will look into this.
Background: I used “Add Software” combine software with this environment feature to add that object to the windows95 base to create 'the environment ’ that I “ran” that wont let me do “Change Resource Media” to switch CDs
thanks @nkmeyers! I see what is happening now. This is the same issue that @tim.mifsud is encountering in ISO stuck in D: Drive, and I have a workaround to get you both going again that I will post in that thread.
Another question though: can you recall, after you first mounted the Last Chance to See resource using the “Add Software” feature and saved a new “Windows95 + Last Chance to See” environment, did you have issues running that environment or not seeing what you were expecting? I ask because the “Windows95 + Last Chance to See” environment is now a “Public + Saved Locally” environment, when by default it should have remained a “Private” environment . Do you recall clicking the “Publish to Network” option at some point?
Hmm, short Answer is : YES
You ask:
“The “Windows95 + Last Chance to See” environment is now a “Public + Saved Locally” environment, when by default it should have remained a “Private” environment . Do you recall clicking the “Publish to Network” option at some point?”
I did that - is there a reason why they have to remain “private” if we want them to be avail to all on our node? I think I’m confused abt when to make something public to my node.